Protect your business with Brio Insurance.

Protect your business with an insurance company that understands the ins and outs of commercial insurance in Manitoba. Yes, we’re talking about us, Brio Insurance. We know that without proper business insurance your livelihood is on the line, and we take that very seriously.

Agriculture & farm

Get your next agriculture insurance policy from the experts (that’s us). We serve a wide variety of agriculture businesses, from small hobby farms and multi-million dollar specialized livestock operations to farm building construction contractors and farm supply retailers. We also offer products for equestrian and grain farms.

Restaurant insurance

Just like a hawk and a robin are different breeds of birds, there are many different kinds of restaurants. All need coverage, but what will work for a cocktail lounge may not be the best fit for a family diner. We pride ourselves on offering a specialized restaurant insurance package, so you can get the right coverage for your business.

This program is exclusive to Brio Insurance and designed with the restaurant and lounge industry in mind.

  • Food-borne illness — loss of income coverage.
  • Blanket property limits increased to the next $500,000 limit with no premium charge.
  • No-limit business interruption protection.
  • Broad form crime package.
  • Comprehensive general liability, including liquor liability.
  • Automatic program extensions tailored to the restaurant / lounge industry.
Trucking insurance

Trucking is another breed of business that we offer insurance for. We can help your trucking company get the most efficient insurance and provide risk management solutions. Whether your flock… errr we mean fleet, of vehicles is big or small, we’ll help make sure you and your business are covered.

Here are some common policy features:

  • Bottom-up evaluation
  • Fleet-audit process
  • Vehicle radius review
  • Weighted average process – cargo insurance
  • Deductible risk-reward analysis
  • 100-day flight plan
  • Managing your risk management program
Have business insurance questions?

Our friendly insurance experts can make sure you get the coverage you need and actually understand what that coverage is. Fill in a quote request with your details and one of our team members will be in touch shortly.